Tuesday, 27 November 2012

A Girl In The World, where did she come from?

Several years ago a girl in the world came wandering into my mind,
I think she found her way there from my heart.

It was during a time when I was feeling small and childlike, overwhelmed with adult responsibilities and a single mother of 4 beautiful children…

At the time I felt like a child myself, looking for somewhere to hide, somewhere to rest. A girl in the world gave that to me. She helped me to put words and feelings into pictures and find expression when words were lost.

Creativity has endlessly allowed me to make sense of the world around me. It has given me a way to express thoughts and feelings that matter most, thoughts and feelings that seem as if they are unspeakable at times.

I created a girl in the world for the children and the child in all of us, for all the children who feel invisible and voiceless, who are looking for a way to express themselves.
To express their fears, pain and challenges, hopes and dreams.

I believe the first thing we need to create is the space to have conversations that matter, communication in all its forms that encourage and support our children to connect to themselves and to others.

From that space all manner of creativity, sharing caring, kindness and empowerment will flow, enriching their lives and the world around them.

A Girl In The World book is available for purchase click here

"Most days the girl felt as though the world was her oyster and anything was possible" A Girl In The World aka Melanie Lee

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